If you like what you’re seeing & hearing from us, we would gladly accept any support you are able to offer!
Support Us
Click the button above & help us to bring you more seasons of glorious opera Ōtautahi!
Kristina Saul as Una Novizia (A Novice) in Suor Angelica & Elegies 2021. Costume by Tina Hutchison-Thomas.
Photograph © Wei Li Jiang for Toi Toi Opera - 2021
We are so grateful to be able to share our love of the art form with you & to have the chance to showcase some of the best operatic talent our region has to offer. Please help us to keep going!
As a charitable trust, donations are critical to helping us enable more Cantabrians to experience the thrill of live opera.
Our donee organisation status with Inland Revenue means that individuals may be able to claim a 33.33% tax credit for donations over $5.
Thank you for clicking the button, & helping to nurture your local artists.
Alternatively, please feel free to contact us directly if you’d like to discuss making a donation in person; our email address is: toitoiopera@gmail.com
Our Donors
We would like to thank all those individuals & organisations who have generously provided donations & grants, whether public or private. Without your support & vision our work would not be possible.
Justin Baniqued
Danielle Barwick
Kirsten Billcliff
Kate & Richard Burtt
Andrew Button
Margot Button
Val Cotton
Enda Crossin
Elizabeth Davenport
Elizabeth de Lambert
Katherine Doig
Susan Doig
Chrissie Duff
Andy Fu
Raemon Greenwood
Gillian Heald
Toni Hill
Naomi Hnat
Sarah Kennedy
Roslyn Kerr
Chelsea Liddy
Tara Martin
Sophie McClean
Denise Murfitt
Raoul Neave
Sara Newman
Christiane & Rudolf Nordt
Philip Nordt
Julia Perry
Pat Pilkington
Alexander Robinson
Penny Robinson
Tamzin Roe
Jay Scanlon
Nigel Salsbury
Cecelia Schieve
Sally Sloman
Peter Squires
Dame Adrienne Stewart
Fiona Taylor
Felicity Williams
Anonymous Donors