Sara Brodie - Director

Sara Brodie - Director

Sara is a director and choreographer originally from Christchurch, New Zealand. She has an MA in theatre from Victoria University, Wellington and is a New Zealand Arts Laureate.

She has directed the opera premieres of: The Bone Feeder (Auckland Arts Festival/New Zealand Opera), Hohēpa (New Zealand Opera/NZ International Arts Festival), Iris Dreaming (Grimebourne Festival), L’Oca del Cairo (Days Bay Opera, NZ) and Kia Ora Khalid (Capital E National Theatre for Children, NZ). Productions include: Aindamar (New Zealand International Arts Festival), Nixon In China (Auckland Arts Festival), Don Giovanni, Die Zauberflöte (New Zealand Opera), Opera Highlights tour for Scottish Opera, most recently Hotspur/Pierrot Lunaire for the Grimebourne Festival and worked as the Associate & Movement Director on Breaking the Waves at the Edinburgh International Arts Festival.

She has developed and directed new work such as: Taonga Moana for Voices NZ, Gao Shan Lui Shui (High Mountain Flowing Water) which has toured China, New Zealand and Australia, Fault Lines, a dance-theatre production for the Leshan Song and Dance Company of Sichuan, China for the Melbourne and Christchurch Arts Festivals’ (which toured to Canada, China, New Zealand and Australia), Tracing Hamlet – a community based immersive deconstruction of Hamlet (Wanaka Festival of Colour, Erupt Festival Taupo, NZ) and Skydancer featuring the NZ Symphony Orchestra - to introduce young people to the symphony. She was the Artistic Director of Stage Left Company from 2008 - 2012, which focused on interdisciplinary works including The Kreutzer and North/South. For Auckland Theatre Company, NZ, she directed the premiere of Under The Mountain and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time.


Katherine Doig - Creative Director


Mark Hodgkinson - Conductor