Waitahi McGee - Assistant Director

Waitahi Aniwaniwa McGee has just finished her second year at Te Kura Toi Whakaari ō Aotearoa/The New Zealand National Drama School. Before studying at Toi Whakaari, Waitahi lived in Rotorua where she got involved in local theatre and pantomime. Her school didn't have a drama teacher at the time, however, she took every performance opportunity she had, be it joining the Kapa Haka rōpu, singing at assemblies or competing in local talent competitions.

Waitahi has seen countless works of theatre, though she hasn't had the pleasure to see an opera in her lifetime. She is looking forward to joining this different kind of theatre-making process, to help deepen her understanding of what theatre can be, can become.


Mark McEntyre - Production Designer


Christy Lassen - Production Designer & Properties Manager